Apple's design vs technology

It seems to me that the worst days came to the horizon or technology won battle versus Apple’s best thinking.

We learn about Apple’s design thinking from the Jony Ive Apple’s SVP Design in the Gary Hustwit’s film Objectified where Jony reveals some concepts behind his and Apple’s thinking:

At some level, I think you’re aware of a calm and considered solution, that therefore speaks about how you’re going to use it, and not the terrible struggles that we as designers and engineers had in trying to solve the problems.

That’s truly the goal of best design.

In practice designers has a compromise with the technology they use and the goals they need to archieve. It’s not always possible to wrap the technology into a solution that would hide the technical internals of this solution.

Recent Apple Keynotes tend to use more technology introductions rather than design introductions.

E.g. > New faster processor chip, faster graphics, bigger screen, etc.

That’s a language full of computer technology, not the human language.

With these tendences in mind the questions arises – is technology beating the design?

I think the best design should ultimately use the technology in a way it’s not even seen. It’s hard the design to win over technology, but Apple was always the company that could do it.

Wish the best design days are in the future.